
The 5 Best Telegram Client Apps for iOS

Our iPhones and other devices have long been a part of our lives. Our gadgets accompany us everywhere, with their help, we share news when travelling, read the news, correspond on work and personal issues, share information with friends and family. Most often, messengers help us in the process of communication, because with their help the process of communication has become easier and faster. Messengers help us not only in communication, but also help us to learn news, listen to music, share files and links very quickly.

One of the most popular messengers at the moment is Telegram. With its help, thousands of people send a huge number of messages every day. But what if Telegram’s functions no longer meet your needs? Then, Telegram client apps come to the rescue. These applications frequently retain the design of the official application, but add new features. Today, we’ll have a look at the rating of the best Telegram client apps that are available for installation on the iOS operating system. 

1. The Nicegram app took the first place 

This app has a lot of new features! Let’s compare Nicegram vs Telegram: instant message translation right in the chat room with the help of artificial intelligence, forwarding messages without specifying the author, viewing messages without marking them as read, and you can also send already recorded messages in the format of a circle in the chat room. You can see for yourself how safe the app is, because Nicegram is open source. Also, all data is stored directly on Telegram’s servers. This application is a nice addition to the usual functions of your favourite messenger Telegram. 

2. In second place is Bettergram

This is a convenient alternative to Telegram messenger that is installed not on mobile devices, but on macOS computers. Bettergram is one of Telegram’s most popular clients. In the application, you will be able to: pin up to 50 chats instead of five, as in the original Telegram, sort messages by categories and topics, mark important correspondence. A pleasant addition is that in the app, you can manage cryptocurrency, link your wallet, exchange currency right in the app. In short, Bettergram is a handy application for laptops with macOS operating system, which contains a lot of features that facilitate the process of correspondence. 

3. In third place is the Vidogram app

This app helps in sorting the content that the user is subscribed to in Telegram. It is also a convenient version of the messenger, with the help of which you can organize video calls in good quality, as well as conveniently sort content. The application helps to create a common news feed from all channels, create hidden correspondence chats, access to which is given only by entering a password. There are also functions, such as confirmation of sending a message, watching IPTV directly in the application, the ability to play video games, and the ability to create a playlist of favourite tracks. Also, it is impossible not to mention the useful Speech to Text function, which converts a voice message into text.

4. The fourth place is occupied by iMe Messenger application

The app looks very similar to the official Telegram app, as there is a very flexible app customization. But at the same time, you will be able to customize the app to suit your needs. One of the unusual features that is built into the app is a built-in cryptocurrency wallet. With its help, you will be able to store, buy and exchange cryptocurrency right in the app. In addition to cryptocurrency, the app also has the usual features, such as sorting chats by topic, listening to music, translating messages from a foreign language right in the chat correspondence. Of the unusual features also in the app some bots are created with the help of artificial intelligence. With their help, you can pick up quick answers in correspondence and send images. This application uses Telegram API, allowing you to introduce new features while maintaining the same level of security as the original application. 

5. The last app we will look at is AiGram Messenger

AiGram is completely built on the Telegram API. Authorization is done using your data from the main app like the previous app. The main difference between AiGram and all the above-mentioned apps is the integrated artificial intelligence, which is included in the app in a very qualitative way. This feature is presented in the form of neurobots that will help to diversify communication. Neurobots learn during correspondence, adding new topics of conversation and popular answers. The messenger does not store correspondence or other user information, data exchange takes place with the help of Telegram servers.

To summarize, Telegram messenger client apps that are available on iOS gadgets have many advantages over the official Telegram app. In order to use the application and be satisfied one hundred percent, we recommend that you first decide on the functionality that you need to expand in your account. For example, some applications specialize in content absorption, which will be very convenient for those who store and listen to music in Messenger or watch movies and read news there. Some apps emphasize on maintaining privacy. Either way, you can always find something just for you and your Apple device.


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