
Looking for a private dental practice? Follow our check list

The state of NHS dental treatment in the UK has led to a demonstrable decline in the oral health of the nation. Indeed, the sector is in such doldrums that a recent report claimed that two thirds of UK dentists often think of leaving dentistry. 

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It is so difficult for UK residents to find an affordable dentist that stories are being reported of people being forced to carry out their own tooth extractions at home with a pair of pliers. 

The result of the decline in state funded dentistry in the UK is a significant rise in the number of private dentists who have created more affordable ways for ordinary working citizens to access dentistry and receive the regular care and attention which is so crucial to good oral hygiene.

The following list represents a check list of what you need to check for when seeking out a private dentist. 

Price list and payment plans

There is no denying that dental treatment can be pricey, particularly if you are going for cosmetic treatment. For routine care check which of your choice of private dentists offer a membership type approach to check ups. This allows you to pay monthly for you and your family if necessary, and normally includes a six month routine check up. 

Should you decide that you do want more cosmetic work done, which is often a necessity if your dental health is particularly bad, then a membership option often includes a discount on different treatments. Consequently, booking those dental implants in Sutton Coldfield should work out more affordable than you previously thought they could be. 

Looking for a private dental practice? Follow our check list

Have you checked out the reviews

Chances are you are approaching dentists that have been recommended to you by friends and family. While this is always the first port of call when finding the right services provider for you and your family, it is worthwhile carrying out your own due diligence as well, just to be 100 per cent confident in your choice.

Follow up on the clinic’s qualifications and credentials. You need to make sure that they have the correct certifications, affiliations, and membership of professional dental associations. 

How long has the clinic been in practice? Being a new business does not necessarily count against it (you may be able to negotiate a preferential rate as an early adopter), however, it is even more important to check out the qualifications of the clinic dental staff in more depth.

Finally, go through all third party testimonials that you can find on sites like Google and Trustpilot. Review sites are today incredibly sophisticated, but it is still possible to sport potentially false testimonials that may have been written by friends and family, rather than satisfied clients. So make sure you scroll through as many testimonials as possible.

Pay them a visit

We recommend you jump into the car and pay the dental clinic a visit before making your final decision. This gives you the opportunity to get a feel for how they treat their client base – are they welcoming? Do they put you at your ease? Do they try and hard sell you treatments that you don’t really want or need? Are the premises clean and hygienic? Is there sufficient parking? Do they have a full range of other services?

Of particular importance is the clinic’s out of hours emergency care system. This is often an area in which clinics immediately bump up their prices because they know that you are in a vulnerable position with very little other options. If they eschew an increase in prices and treat out of hours and emergencies as an equitable part of their service then you know that they have the right approach. 

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