
5 Best Practices for Strengthening Your Network Security in 2024

In 2024, network security will become more vital than ever before. Due to this, the threat from cyber angles keeps on changing, and it would be very important that your network is safe. For instance, hackers are constantly innovating new modes of getting sensitive information. 

Thus, by taking the necessary measures to secure your network, you can avoid chances of being victims of violating breaches. In fact, both small business owners and IT professionals should know the best practices for securing networks to remain safe from such threats.

In this blog, we’ll discuss five best practices you can start implementing right away in order to strengthen your network security in Ireland and protect the valuable data they contain.

Implement Zero Trust Architecture

Trust is insufficient. Trust that all things inside your network are secure. This is where Zero Trust Architecture comes in. There should be strict verification of anyone trying to access resources inside the network. In this post, we will discover just what makes Zero Trust so effective and how you can implement it.

Verify Every Access Request

In Zero Trust, what happens is that each access request is verified before it is granted. What that means is even when a user has penetrated the network already, they still have to prove who they are to gain access to different places. For example, another mode of multi-factor authentication adds another layer of security, making it pretty difficult for the unwarranted user to gain entry.

Monitor and Log User Activity

It’s also wise to know what’s going on inside the network. In Zero Trust, monitor everything and pay attention to unusual behaviour as soon as possible. This allows you to catch threats early, so you can be proactive and prevent damage before anything disastrous can occur. User activity logging also gives you an account of everything people have accessed and when, which you’ll want to use in your security audits.

Regularly Update and Patch Systems

Keeping your systems updated is key to defending against cyber threats. When software is outdated, it becomes an easy target for hackers. So, let’s look at how regular updates and patches can keep your network secure and what you can do to stay on top of them.

Schedule Automatic Updates

Setting up automatic updates is one of the easiest ways to keep your systems secure. It ensures that all your devices receive the latest security patches without delay. This way, you don’t have to worry about missing an important update that could leave your network helpless to attacks.

Review and Apply Security Patches

Sometimes, software companies release patches to fix known security flaws. It’s important to review these patches and apply them as soon as possible. By doing so, you close the gaps that hackers might use to get into your system. Staying proactive with patch management helps protect your network from potential breaches.

Utilise Advanced Threat Detection and Response

Staying ahead of cyber threats means being able to detect and respond to them quickly. With advanced tools available, it’s easier to spot unusual activities and take action right away. Now, let’s explore how the network security tools can make a difference and how you can put them to use.

Implement AI and Machine Learning Tools

An AI and machine learning-based security system will significantly raise threat detection. Based on network traffic analysis, they create patterns which might be an indication of a threat. Based on their learning process, they can quickly alert you of suspicious behaviours with the likelihood that by the time the threat is recognized, no real damage will have been done.

Security Information and Event Management System Setup

A SIEM system helps consolidate data from all segments of the network. It logs and analyses the data, hence being able to identify potential security incidents more easily. With a SIEM installed, one can monitor the network in real time and react faster in case of threats: protecting his data.

Strengthen Endpoint Security

Securing individual devices, or endpoints, is crucial, especially with more people working remotely. When endpoints are not protected, they can become easy targets for cyber attacks. So, let’s dive into how you can strengthen endpoint security and make your network safer.

Deploy Endpoint Detection and Response Solutions

Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) solutions help keep an eye on all devices connected to your network. They can quickly detect unusual behaviour on any device and take action to prevent a threat. This ensures that if one device is compromised, it won’t easily spread to others, keeping your network more secure.

Use Device Encryption and Strong Passwords

Encrypting devices adds a layer of protection to the data stored on them. Even if a device is lost or stolen, encryption makes it harder for anyone to access the information. Along with this, using strong passwords for each device makes it even tougher for unauthorised users to gain entry. These simple steps can go a long way in protecting sensitive data.

Educate and Train Employees on Cybersecurity

Often, the biggest security risk is human error. This is why training your employees on cybersecurity is essential. When your team knows what to look out for, they can act as an additional layer of defence. Let’s go through how proper training can help and the steps you can take to get started.

Conduct Regular Cybersecurity Awareness Training

Regular training sessions can make a huge difference in keeping your network safe. For example, these sessions can teach employees how to spot phishing emails, avoid suspicious links, and handle sensitive information securely. 

Additionally, by staying informed about the latest threats, your team will be better prepared to avoid potential security risks.

Simulate Phishing Attacks to Test Readiness

Simulating phishing attacks is an effective way to test your employees’ awareness. By sending out fake phishing emails, you can see how well your team responds and identify areas where more training is needed. 

As a result, this practice not only helps in assessing their readiness but also reinforces the importance of staying vigilant against such threats.

Final words!

Network security in 2024 is defined as Zero Trust Architecture, continuous updating of systems, advanced threat detection, endpoint protection, and employee training. Through implementation of these best practices, your network is assured to be impenetrable to any evolving cyber threats and keeps data safe from threats.

But security can be very challenging to keep on top of. That is where Radium will come in. Our security professionals can assist your organisation in implementing such strategies and ensure that your network is secure. Contact us at Radium today for a consultation and step one towards a more secure network.


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