
5 Proven Ways to Increase Site Speed

A good website is responsive and ensures that it enhances the user experience. One such indicator of a good website is its speed. The site speed is also termed page loading speed, which determines how fast it takes for a website to load and display the web browser to its user.

A fast-loading website has the perks of increasing user engagement, lead generation, improved customer experience, and community building. Google and Deloitte conducted a few studies that offer a surprising fact, concluding that even a 0.1% improvement in page speed can increase lead conversion by up to 8%.

But if the speed of your website could be better, it can improve user satisfaction as a result of poor browsing experience. There can be multiple factors, i.e., browser caching, increased HTTP requests, too many plugins, file size, and other elements that impact the site speed.

In this article, we’ll explain how you can determine these factors and implement five quick ways to increase your site page loading speed.

Choose an Optimized Web Hosting:

One of the major mistakes people make is selecting cheap web hosting for their website. However, they face consequences in the form of slow website page loading and frequent downtime, which decreases web performance.

So it’s essential to choose good web hosting with a dynamic platform and a server location close to your targeted audience that leads to faster loading time with a more pronounced user interface, better web performance, and increased uptime.

Good web hosting will enhance the user experience and make them convert to permanent clients. As a result, they experience a fast-loading server and get the information quickly without any delay, which keeps them engaged.

Cache Web Browser:

Browser caching is another way to increase the web page speed. In web-caching, the copies of the web resources are stored on the browsers. The resources may include HTML pages, style sheets, images, and scripts of a website.

When the web resources are saved in the browser by website caching, the web server will not download the same resources repeatedly. Hence, the website’s burden decreases, resulting in its better performance.

The downloaded resources are usually stored in the device’s local cache. As a result, when a person visits the site repeatedly, the similar downloaded resource present in the cache is utilized instead of downloading the web resources again and again from the server, which improves the speed.

Compress Website Images:

Compressing the images that are used on the website can significantly increase the website speed and page loading times. When you compress an image, the image file size is reduced, which removes the extra encoding information.

For this purpose, you can use the online image compressor. An image compressor allows you to simply upload the image on the tool and select the quality and type of compression as per the image requirement. Click the Compress button and download the image. It’s that easy. But make sure not to compress the photo to the size that compromises the image quality. We recommend keeping the image file size below 100 kB for small images and up to 250 kB for larger images.

Remove Unnecessary Plugins:

A website plugin is a type of code that adds some specific functionality or feature to the website. These plugins enhance the quality of your website and its productivity. For example, plugins are used if you need to add different visual elements or any new content to your sites. But what about unnecessary plugins used on your website? Well, these are the prime concerns for decreasing the site speed.

So, it’s crucial to eliminate the unnecessary plugins from your site that will improve its speed. Check the plugins used on your website. If it contains unnecessary plugins that are not utilized, disable or delete them, which instantly improves the speed of your site.

Use a Content Delivery Network:

The Content Delivery Network is a linked network of interconnected servers that are distributed geographically. In simple words, when a user accesses a specific website, he requests the content from that site. The CDN identifies the request and user location and delivers the content that is nearest to the user instead of delivering it from the original site.

For example, if a user accesses a specific hosting of the website and CDN networking is used there, then the browser may have references to other sources, i.e., for an image. The image of that site is served from a CDN server that is located closest to the geographical region of the user, hence improving the site speed.

Final Thoughts:

Websites with increased site speed help web surfers seamlessly enjoy the online experience. You can increase your website speed and performance by implementing the abovementioned strategies. They can positively impact the user and increase your business success rate.


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