
Feskov Fertility Clinic in Ukraine with the best services at affordable prices

Are you willing to get the smooth surrogacy process for yourself or your loved ones? Feskov Ukraine Fertility Clinic is here to serve you the best.

Surrogacy is a process for couples who cannot have a child of their own. Who doesn’t want to have a biological child, even after trying for so long? Of course, everyone does, and surrogacy is the only option that helps them have their biological child.

Many sterile or net can now have this joy of becoming parents to the children they can call their own.

At first, infertile couples could only adopt the child from someone whom they know or someone who deliberately wanted to help them have a child

But now things have simplified to a great extent; with the advancement of technology, people who cannot have children on their own can quickly go through the surrogacy process and have their children.

About Feskov Fertility Clinic in numbers

Feskov Fertility Clinic has successfully helped many couples have children with successful IVF procedures. Moreover, let’s have a look at the achievements of the Feskov Fertility Clinic over the years:

  • Since the establishment of the Feskov fertility clinic, the reported number of healthy births has been 18,000
  • There are 52 countries where these healthy-born children reside
  • The Feskov Fertility Clinic has 23 specialized scientists and doctors who try every possibility to make the process successful
  • There are more 10,000 egg donors in the database

Why should one choose the Feskov fertility clinic?

There could be many reasons to choose Feskov Fertility Clinic as your ultimate guide and support for your surrogacy process, but let’s discuss a few:


The team at Feskov Fertility Clinic has been in the field since 1995. Hence, they have excellent command over the area. Moreover, they have enough experience to carry out successful IVF procedures.

The clinic has completed hundreds of IVF programs with a 100% guarantee of the birth of a healthy child.

Healthy children

Undoubtedly, all the children born through the surrogacy process were healthy.

The reason why the healthy birth is witnessed is because the clinic specializes in human genomics and PGD diagnostics.

The team selects a healthy embryo that prevents the transfer of hereditary disease. Also, the clinic lets you choose the gender of your future child.


When getting the process done from the Feskov fertility clinic, it shows that the data is going nowhere and the data breach is not part of the contract.

Your data is safe. The clinic uses a reliable system of data protection that keeps your data safe and secure realitymax.

Reliable database

Feskov Fertility Clinic has a database of mothers and egg donors of European, African, and Asian phenotypes.

Besides, you can choose any of your choices to complete the process.

A Cost of Surrogacy in Ukraine

Surrogacy is exceptionally cheaper in Ukraine, while if we go for the same process in the USA, you will surely drain your bank account; it is that expensive.

The USA charges way more than the ordinary leihmutter kosten in Ukraine. Well, the USA is known as one of the countries having fast and high-end technologies that make it stand out among the crowd.

The high level of professionalism and customer service can be easily witnessed.


Feskov Fertility Clinic is an exceptional clinic for getting a surrogacy process done. It is a beautiful platform from which many infertile couples can have their children, in fact, biological children.

There are many reasons to choose a Feskov fertility clinic as your ultimate choice because it has plenty to offer to its customers.

In addition, the Feskov fertility clinic has completed hundreds of IVF procedures with the birth of healthy children.

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