Navigating Common Challenges in Surgical eLearning

Continuous education is very important for progress to remain constant in any sector. However, it should be said that it’s even more critical in healthcare. The reason for this is simple: constant evolution. The healthcare system is in a constant state of flux, and new developments come to the fore time and again.
E-learning platforms have been introduced to ensure that health professionals like surgeons remain updated amidst tight schedules. However, it should be said that e-learning in surgery does present peculiar challenges. This article explores these common challenges in surgical e-learning and provides suggestions on how to resolve them. Let’s dive right in.
Challenges in Surgical eLearning
Like all innovations, integrating e-learning on surgery does have its peculiar challenges. Major ones include the following:
Technical Issues
Technical issues account for a bulk of challenges in surgical eLearning. Examples of these technical challenges include connectivity issues, problems with software compatibility, and platform accessibility. Technical issues disrupt the learning of surgeons, negatively impacting the whole educational experience.
To fix this, healthcare institutions could look into providing more technical support services. This may include providing access to IT help desk support and organizing training on using eLearning platforms. This will, in turn, ensure that surgeons always have prompt assistance when they encounter technical challenges.
Limited Hands-On Experience
There is no question that surgical e-learning platforms offer a lot in terms of convenience and information spread. However, unlike traditional surgical training methods, there is a lack of hands-on experience. Usually, this translates into a stunted development of practical skills and procedural proficiency.
For example, learning about innovations in spinal surgery is great. However, there is still a need for hands-on practicals for new knowledge to be internalized. This is precisely why surgical e-learning should be complemented with practical sessions. These practical sessions could either be physical or telemedicine-supervised consults.
Poor Interactivity
Many eLearning modules rely heavily on passive learning methods such as video lectures or slide presentations. However, these modules tend to lack interactivity and engagement like virtual patient encounters. This, in turn, makes it quite challenging for learners to apply knowledge to real-world settings.
Now, it should be said that surgery e-learning modules are admittedly restricted with respect to interactivity options. However, incorporating elements like case studies, quizzes, and virtual patient simulations will help significantly. These interactivity-enhancing approaches can boost active learning and critical thinking among learners.
Resource Constraints
It’s important to mention that although eLearning is very beneficial, it’s also quite expensive. As such, healthcare institutions may face many challenges in allocating sufficient resources to e-learning. This is especially true with respect to setting up the technology infrastructure required.
Beyond money, elearning also requires much time and effort to make it work. Considering the fact that surgeons usually have hectic work schedules, setting out time for continuous learning will prove problematic.
Solution: Healthcare institutions can form collaborations with industry partners, professional organizations, and academic institutions to share resources. Aside from this, helping surgeons set up a convenient work-continuous learning schedule will go a long way toward improving e-learning adoption.
Resistance to Change
One other major challenge of e-learning in surgery is resistance to change. Some healthcare professionals may be resistant to adopting e-learning methods due to skepticism about their effectiveness. Others may also have concerns about traditional teaching methods being replaced. However, overcoming this resistance is essential for successfully implementing surgical eLearning initiatives.
Elearning has the potential to revolutionize continuous learning practices in medicine and surgery. This is largely thanks to its perfect combination of easy access and flexibility. However, integrating surgical eLearning into modern medicine does come with some challenges. Nevertheless, these challenges have to be overcome for elearning to make a lasting impact successfully.