
How Do I Know if the UK261 Regulation Applies to Me?

The UK261 Regulation is a crucial piece of legislation for air passengers traveling within and to or from the European Union. It establishes common rules on compensation and assistance to passengers in the event of denied boarding, flight cancellations, or long flight delays. Understanding whether this regulation applies to your travel situation can help you claim rightful compensation and support. Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you determine if the UK261 Regulation applies to your flight.

Understanding the UK261 Regulation

The UK261 Regulation applies:

  • To passengers departing from a UK airport; and
  • To passengers departing from an airport located in a country other than the UK to an airport situated in:
  • the UK if the operating air carrier of the flight concerned is either an EU/EEA carrier or a UK air carrier; or
  • the EU/EEA if the operating air carrier of the flight concerned is a UK air carrier.

Cases Where the UK261 Regulation Does Not Apply

It’s also important to note that the UK261 Regulation does not apply. These exceptions include:

  1. Flights Operated by Non-EU Airlines from Non-EU Countries: If you are flying from a non-EU country to an EU country on an airline that is not based in the EU, this regulation does not apply. 
  2. Extraordinary Circumstances: The regulation does not entitle passengers to compensation in the case of delays or cancellations caused by extraordinary circumstances that could not have been avoided by any reasonable measure. These include severe weather, political instability, strikes that affect airline operations, security risks, and unexpected flight safety shortcomings.

What to Do if the UK261 Regulation Applies to You

If you meet the eligibility criteria, you can take the following steps to claim compensation:

  • Contact the airline and provide them with your flight details and a brief explanation of your disruption. Request compensation based on the UK261 Regulation.
  • Submit necessary documents, including copies of your boarding pass, receipts of any additional expenses incurred due to the disruption, and any other relevant documentation.
  • If the airline does not respond or if you are dissatisfied with the response, you can escalate the matter to the national enforcement body in the EU country where the incident occurred or where the airline is based.


Knowing whether the UK261 Regulation applies to your flight is essential for enforcing your rights as a passenger. By understanding the criteria and following the right procedures, you can ensure that you are adequately compensated and assisted during travel disruptions.


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